What You Should Know About Doe Ikon

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About Doe Ikon

The DoE (Department of Education)’s New Intranet Project, ‘Ikon’, is giving schools better support as part of a push to reduce administrative burdens and maximize the ability of principals to lead and teachers to teach.


Doe IKON Login

Doe IKON Full Details: If you are already a registered user, you do not need to create a new account; Learn the complete login guide with step-by-step if you have any problems signing in to account.

Go to the Doe IKON Login page via clicking official link below.

Enter your email or password, and Click on Submit. The login screen appears on successful login.

Education Department – Single Sign-On

All Departmental Online Services, such as the Portal, Email, Online Document Storage, Intranet, and Internet Access, Must Be Used Responsibly And In Compliance With Departmental Policies. By using any of the department’s online services, you are indicating your full agreement to and commitment to follow all of the department’s policies.

Improved central services let teachers focus on the classroom

The Department of Education’s New Intranet Project, ‘Ikon’, is giving schools better support as part of a push to reduce administrative burdens and maximise the ability of principals to lead and teachers to teach.

Ikon forms part of extensive business reforms across the Department aiming to deliver better central systems, structures and processes that enable schools more autonomy to create caring schools and achieve excellent student outcomes.

“Ikon is the result of intensive consultation with schools which identified that the old intranet was too difficult to navigate and was not supporting staff in their jobs or workplace,” said Mr Jay Peckitt, A/Deputy Director General, Education Business Services.

Information for Aspirant L3 Classroom Teachers

Stage One: https://ikon.education.wa.edu.au/-/apply-for-level-3-classroom-teacher-stage-one/

Stage Two: https://ikon.education.wa.edu.au/-/apply-for-level-3-classroom-teacher-stage-two/

Application form for both stages: https://ikon.education.wa.edu.au/-/level-3-classroom-teacher-application-form/

Level 3 Classroom Teacher Association Members provide extensive support for aspirant Level 3 Classroom Teachers in several ways, as well as supporting preservice and graduate teachers in schools. Level 3 Classroom Teachers use the L3CT Competency Framework and the AITSL Standards to self-reflect and to assist others to reflect and seek professional growth.

Ikon Education Wa​ – 01/2022 – Coursef.com

The Department of Education’s New Intranet Project, Ikon, is giving WA schools better support from central services The Department of Education’s New Login Education.

Department of education western australia – Jobs WA

Information and knowledge online (Ikon) provides a single entry point for staff to access everything they need to do their job and support them as a staff with job application form.

Doe Wa Portal

We looked up Doe Ikon Wa Portal in the list of world top portals, the best matching results are listed below. If the list does not contain your required link, or you are facing another issue related to Doe Wa Portal, please write detail in the comments section for the solution.

Administrators Guide to Reporting – K-10 Outline

Department of Education (DoE) each uses their preferred software tool for presenting lectures and teachers have access to SAIS via its link in the Ikon home page.

Department of Education Portal- Student login guide

  • To reset your password when you have forgotten it, click “Forgot Your Password?”
  • Enter your username (firstname.lastname) and click “next”.
  • Then enter the answer to your Validation Question and click “Next”.
  • Then create a new password following the minimum security requirements listed and click “Change Password”.
  • You will then get the following message on successful change. Click “Close”.

Wa Portal Ikon

This Portal has been inactive since Friday, 14 August 2020. Staff need to go to https://ikon.education.wa.edu.au to access content and functionality previously found here, including webmail. There is an introductory video to help you get started to find what you need on Ikon. Contact the ICT Customer Service Centre if you have any issues accessing Ikon.