Why Small Businesses Should Focus on Social Media Marketing

Businesses today are increasingly making use of social media platforms to market their products and services. The viral nature of social media gives marketers great opportunities to analyze and influence consumer behavior and views thereby boosting conversion rates. So whether you’re an internet television service like Spectrum online or a beverage company, you cannot ignore the importance of social media marketing in today’s digital age. 

Social media marketing can greatly benefit small businesses if they make good use of it. Let’s see why.

#1. Cost-Effective Advertising

Social media is the most cost-effective way of advertising for small businesses. Creating an account is free on almost all social networking platforms. However, if you do decide to make use of paid advertising on social media channels, you can target those ads to reach people within a certain radius to gauge what you should expect. In this way, you won’t have to spend on advertising that’s outside your local customer base. For example, to advertise on Facebook, set a budget, and choose your target audience for focused social media marketing. This would serve the purpose without requiring you to make much of an investment.

In social media, you don’t need to pay anything for the extra features you get to use. You can update your followers regarding promotions and new products, free of cost and without any hassle. Besides, posting pictures would help your customers know and see what you’re offering. 

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Social media marketing enables small businesses to advertise to current customers as well as attract new ones. You can build your brand image through your brand’s interaction and engagement with the consumers. And your existing happy customers become brand ambassadors; their posts about your services and products serve as recommendations to potential customers and build a positive reputation for your company. 

#2. Personalized Attention

A big company with several stores across the country probably wouldn’t be so active and keen on giving personalized responses to each customer on social media. But a small company can take out the time and make the effort to write a well-crafted reply to a customer’s complaint or query. The element of personalized attention is where small businesses have a social media marketing advantage. As a small business, you are in a better position to handle the influx of comments and queries from customers. Doing so makes the customer feel valued, builds brand loyalty on their part, and strengthens the brand-customer relationship.

#3. Higher Traffic

Another major advantage of social media marketing to small businesses is that it helps increase your website traffic. When you share content on social media, you are inviting users to click on it and be directed to your website. Hence, the more quality content you share on your social media account, the higher the click-through rate. And once an already interested user lands on your website, the chances of conversion are much greater.

#4. Market Awareness

Market research is imperative for any marketing strategy to be successful. And in today’s time, social media is one of the most reliable tools to research the needs and demands of your customers. By observing and analyzing user activities on your profile, you can understand their opinions and interests. Besides, it allows you to gather relevant information about your competitors and keeps you updated about the latest happenings and trends in your industry. Once you build a strong image for your brand and have a large following, you can use additional tools to examine consumer demographics and hence make an even better and more competitive marketing campaign. 

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#5. Improved SEO Rankings

Today, optimizing your website and updating your blog is not enough to rank high on search engine results. Social media presence also has a role to play in the way these rankings are calculated. The content shared by businesses on social media platforms indicates the search engines a lot about your brand credibility and popularity. For example, if a blog about Charter customer service is making waves on social media, search engines would definitely take note of it and it’d reflect on their search result rankings. 

Small businesses have every reason to focus on social media marketing. It’s cost-effective, helps improve search engine rankings, and directs traffic to the website.


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