How Do I Access Heelmail?

Are you trying to figure out how to access Heelmail? This is the best email client for iPhone, Blackberry, and any other touch screen mobile phone. For those who don’t know, Heelmail is an iPhone and Blackberry alternative that offers a full email solution, including forwarding, auto-reply, password protection, and address book capabilities. This app makes forwarding and receiving mail easy for you and anyone else on your list. But how do you get Heelmail? Let’s take a look.


2 Ways to Get Heelmail

There are basically two ways to get Heelmail. The first is through an application that comes free of charge. There are a number of websites offering free email software for iPhone and Blackberry users. These programs allow you to download email and calendar events from Heelmail. Unfortunately, most of these programs aren’t very reliable, and you may find yourself receiving tons of spam. They also aren’t very secure.

If you would like to have an email account exclusively on Heelmail, you will have to purchase a fee-based account. You can find dozens of websites selling email software for a variety of operating systems and brands. Most of these sites offer free trials, which allows you to test the free version first to make sure you like it. I highly recommend this route because you can usually try out any software before purchasing it.

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After you’ve downloaded the free version of Heelmail, you can sign up for a premium account. This upgrade offers improved features and added security for your email account. It requires a valid credit card and at least 6 months of membership before it is activated. To access Heelmail, simply login to your account and create a new password.

The Auto-responder

One thing that was missing from my previous regime was an auto-responder. In addition to receiving all of my emails, I wanted them all to be forwarded to an appropriate section of my website. I could not access all of my accounts through the forwarding feature so I had to write a script to handle the forwarding process. This is where the Heelmail service really helped out.

The auto-responder works as a liaison between your Heelmail account and your email contacts. Whenever someone forwards an email to your mailing list, the forwarding company automatically forwards the email to your webmail. Once you have a username and password, you can log into your email on the site and send your messages from your computer. A virtual address also appears in your webmails, so your physical address is never revealed. This is extremely important because it prevents spammers from targeting your real email address and causing problems for your business.

Once you have set up your Heelmail account, you will need to access your auto-responder. It is typically in the same area as your primary email account. Once the auto-responder is opened, a message will display letting you know that your message has been successfully forwarded. You will then see your forwarded email appear in your inbox. If you click on the email, you will be taken to your webmail. Your messages will appear as they are on your primary account.

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Provider’s Assistance

For any questions or concerns, you may contact your provider. They can assist you with any technical difficulties or advice that you may need. Remember, you should always check with your provider before sending any email through Heelmail. If you accidentally forward an email to your primary email account, it could potentially become problematic. Therefore, follow the procedures in your account and you should never have a problem.

Some Concerns about Accessing Heelmail

Some concerns about accessing Heelmail? One thing that some people may not like about their current email provider is that if they lose their computer or receive a virus, they are not able to access their Heelmail accounts. If you want to be able to use your accounts, you need to either call your provider or put in a request to have them change your password. They will usually be able to assist you. How do I access Heelmail?

Your messages will continue to go to your primary email account after forwarding through Heelmail. After forwarding, your messages will disappear from your secondary email account. This is why it is important that you change your password after Forwarding, to ensure that your messages are always safe.


Hopefully this information has helped you with your question, “How do I access Heelmail?”. There is no reason why you should have to work harder or spend more time when you don’t have to. You should never have to think about how to protect your Heelmail account because security is one of the most important things that a site can offer you. By keeping up-to-date on security issues and being aware of your Heelmail account, you can ensure that unauthorized access to your email account will never be a problem again.

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Other Related Sources

Related sources

1. Heelmail Unc Login –

This email is called HeelMail, and you can access your email using your Onyen and password at Your official email address for this.


2. Email Unc Heelmail | Contact Information Finder

Check your email by visiting If you use a smartphone to check your email, we recommend you connect your UNC email to your phone’s inbox.

3.HeelMail: Helpful Guide to UNC Email 2021 | Unistude

HeelMail is the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill email portal. After you’re admitted, you’ll want to set up your UNC username and email address. This is where UNC will be sharing important updates from the Admissions office and details about your financial aid package.


4. HeelMail – Twitter

Still confused about #HeelMail? Have a question about any of the features? Call 962-HELP to get any of your questions answered.



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