Call of Duty Vanguard

What Is Call of Duty Vanguard?

Call of Duty Vanguard is an FPS first-person shooter video game developed by Sledgehammer Games. It is published by Activision, and released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One… This game was launched on November 5th for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5and Xbox Series X/X retrospective. It is the eighteenth installment of the overall Call of Duty franchise. The game’s story revolves around a group of soldiers that were left without a leader. They were called back into service after America has been invaded by the Helghast Empire. In order to deal with the enemy, the group was dispatched to the Middle East where they were supposed to train a new generation of soldiers to fight against the invaders.

People in the game
Call of Duty Vanguard

What Is the Difference between This Game and the Others?

Call of Duty Vanguard is not like the other games in the Call of Duty franchise with their own storyline. This one instead deals more with the element of team play and what is known as the “Cold War” as it deals with a backdrop of simmering international tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. The plot turns out that this war was sparked by an incident that occurred when a U.S. ship was attacked off the coast of Venezuela.

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The maps are designed better

The pace of the game is quite fast and there is quite a bit of shooting involved. The maps are well designed and are filled with a wide variety of features. Also, it is important that you have a good grip on the weapon functions because in some instances your bullets will not appear where you are aiming them. These issues are addressed in the Call of Duty Vanguard multiplayer, but the improvements made here are a lot more substantial than in previous titles.

As a special forces soldier, you get to take on new challenges in the Call of Duty Vanguard multiplayer. One challenge that will be thrown your way involves the concept of overwatching. You have the ability to overwatch. It means that you can move behind an enemy to get a better view of the battle. This is a great skill that will allow you to stay out of the firefights while your teammates get the kills.

New 360° view

The other challenge comes from the new perks added into the game as part of the update. One perk is the ability to use your UAV, which is a thermal imaging device similar to the eyes of God, in first-person view. When you strafe the camera you get a 360° view of the battlefield and you can view all angles. This is an extremely cool aspect of this first-person shooter and august 2021’s video game.

You can customize your character yourself

No matter what kind of gamer you are, the one thing that you will always want to do is shoot as much as possible. You can do that in Call of Duty Vanguard, although you may not be able to get the high scores that some people are able to get. There is one thing about playing this game though, and that is the customization of your character. You get to choose exactly what sort of weapons you would like to use, which is an awesome element to this game.

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The Release Date

The Call of Duty Vanguard release date was revealed during the reveal for the next Call of Duty game that is in production. That game is Black Mirror, which is the spiritual successor to Modern Warfare. If you are familiar with Modern Warfare, you should know that Black Mirror is going to be set in an alternate version of Europe during the early twenty-first century. There is no news about when the release date of the game will be. It will most likely be before the end of 2021. We will just have to wait and see.


The actual gameplay of Call of Duty Vanguard did not impress me, at all. The combat feels quite clunky and it seems that they tried to make the player move just a little too fast so that they could perform combos. The story mode of the game is quite short, but I feel that it could have been shorter. In addition, the multiplayer felt weak and there were quite a few bugs in it.

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Call of Duty®: Vanguard | The Best WWII Game

The award-winning Call of Duty® series returns with Call of Duty®: Vanguard, in which players will experience influential battles of World War II as they fight for victory across the Eastern and Western Fronts of Europe, the Pacific, and North Africa. Create and cement your legacy as Call of Duty’s signature Multiplayer experience launches an all-out assault on all fronts. Witness the rise of the Special Forces as players drop into new locales with authentic World War II load-outs.

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Call of Duty®: Vanguard –

Experience influential battles of World War II as you fight for victory across multiple theaters of war. The Call of Duty®: Vanguard campaign will immerse you in a deeply engaging and gripping character-driven narrative experience featuring combat on an unparalleled global scale, while also telling the harrowing stories of those who turned the tides of war and changed history forever.


Call of Duty: Vanguard – Wikipedia

Call of Duty: Vanguard is a 2021 first-person shooter game developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision. It was released on November 5 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. It serves as the 18th installment in the overall Call of Duty series. Call of Duty: Vanguard establishes a storyline featuring the birth of the special forces to face an emerging threat at the end of the war during various theatres of World War II.


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