13 Reasons Why Infographics Is Your Best Marketing Strategy

You’ve probably heard before that an image is worth a thousand words. But what if I told you it was actually worth even more than that? A picture could be the difference between success and failure for your company.

What if we say that using infographics could be the secret to your future marketing success? Would you believe us then? If not, that’s okay. You just have to keep reading and find out on your own.

To help you understand why infographics are a great idea, here are 13 reasons why it rocks:


1. Cool infographics provide a great opportunity to take your business from local to national.

Let’s face it – most small businesses have a hard time going beyond their own locality and expanding beyond the borders of their home state or region. When you use infographics, you can tell a story that will help your customers understand the purpose of your product or service. Your infographic will attract customers from far and wide. They can’t help themselves but share it with their friends via email, social media sites, and other platforms, which is a great way for you to reach potential clients all over the country.

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2. It also proves that your business understands its audience.

When you use infographics, you’re showing potential customers that you understand them. This makes them more receptive to what your company has to offer. They’ll be able to identify with the message of your infographic and know that it can address their issues in a way others aren’t able to do.

3. Infographics are super easy to share.

Do you know how much time is wasted when your potential customer finds your content interesting enough that they want to share it with others? It takes them forever just to find the “share” button so they can post it on their Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Reddit, or any other social media site of their choice. However, when they find an infographic instead of boring content, they can easily share it by simply reposting the image. This means you’ll get more social shares and your business will reach a wider audience faster.

4. They are extremely affordable to produce even if you have a small budget to work with.

Nowadays, there are a lot of infographic designers out there who can help you produce an infographic for your business for just a few hundred dollars.

5. They are easier to remember than text-based content because they have visual appeal.

If you’re giving your audience information about the benefits of using your product or service, they’ll remember your infographic much easier than if you gave them text-based content because an image is able to deliver the message in a more direct and easy to understand manner.

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6. They are great for branding purposes.

When you use infographics to promote your business, people will understand who you are in no time because of how easy it is to identify the company’s logo or brand when it has been integrated with an infographic. The idea here is that when potential customers recognize your brand name, they’ll feel more confident in what you have to offer.

7. They are great for building authority because they get shared so much on social media sites.

Infographics are an easy way to get people’s attention, especially when it looks eye-catching and attractive enough for them to want to share them with others. When someone shares your infographic, you are then able to build authority for yourself and your brand.

8. They can spread messages about your company or product to millions of people all over the world.

The reason why infographics are so powerful is that they serve as a stage for an image to be shared with other users across the internet. So if someone shares your infographic, it will be seen by their friends and followers which can help spread your message across the vast internet.

9. They come in different formats and styles that you can mix and match to suit your needs.

You can create an infographic no matter how complex the topic is because not all infographics have to look alike when it comes to design. Some infographics are very simple in nature while others can be more complex with lots of different fonts, images, videos, and other multimedia elements. The variety is endless so you have your pick when it comes to the style that suits your needs best.

10. They are visually pleasing which makes them shareable on social media websites.

When people come across an infographic, they’re able to tell right away if it is worth sharing with others. If it meets their expectations, then they will take the time to share it online which means you get more exposure for your business or brand because of this simple act alone.

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11. They are great tools that can help boost your website’s SEO efforts.

There are a lot of search engines out there which have been designed to index images and infographics since these two types of media get shared so often on the internet. When your infographic is indexed in major search engines like Google and Yahoo, you will be able to attract more traffic to your site which means more money for your business if you use it in the right way.

12. They can help establish your company or brand as an expert in a certain field through visual storytelling.

When you produce infographics that look appealing and accurate at the same time, people will be able to see that you know what you’re talking about when it comes to the information you’re sharing. As a result, they will be more likely to trust you and look to your company for help when it comes to their problems.

13. They have a great rate of conversion if you give them the right call to action.

You may be able to get a lot of traffic from social media sites when people share your infographic online, but you need to make sure it has the right CTA linked to it so people will know what they should do next after reading it. A typical call to action would be asking them to visit your website or check out your latest products and services which will help you boost your revenue.

Bonus Tip: Use an Infographic Maker!

One great way to save time and make unique infographics is to use an infographic maker like Venngage. It provides a wide range of infographic templates that allow you to customize them to your liking and share them directly on any social media platform. To give you a better idea, here are some of the best infographics from their collection.


Infographics are a great way to promote your business, build authority, and spread the word about what you offer. They come in many different formats, which means that it’s easy for anyone to find one that suits their needs best. Infographics also tend to get shared on social media sites because they catch people’s attention with their appealing visuals and messages. This is why infographics can be such powerful tools when used correctly as part of an SEO strategy or marketing plan.

So, what are you waiting for? Start improving your marketing strategy today by creating your very own infographic using Venngage infographics.

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