How to Activate a Credit Card?

It is very likely that you have ever received a card in the mail and you had questions about how to activate a credit card. Do not worry, because it is a very easy procedure. Go for it!

Options on how to activate a credit card

You should know that, depending on the issuing entity of the card, it will be activated in one way or another. Still, many entities agree on how to activate a credit card. Of course, it is important to differentiate between a credit card and a debit card :

  • Debit. It allows you to withdraw money or pay directly from the account of the holder, without being money loaned by the bank.
  • Credit. It is money loaned by the bank, so it must be returned with interest.

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Automatic activation

Some cards arrive activated, so the system is very simple. You just have to pick it up or have it delivered to you by mail, and you can use it. 

In this case, there are differences, depending on the point of collection of the card :

  • If you have collected the card in a retail store, you can use it immediately.
  • If you have collected the card in Offices, External Sales Forces, or other channels, you must wait 2-3 working days to be able to use it.
Activate a credit card


Another option on how to activate a card is by short message (SMS). You will receive a message asking you to activate the card. Reply to the message indicating the last 6 numbers of the card, space, and your date of birth without hyphens or separations. 

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The bank will respond by indicating that the card has been activated. Next, you must enter your PIN-code and call the bank to confirm it. 

By phone

The telephone is another system to activate a card. In this case, the card incorporates a sticker with a phone number that you have to call to activate it. They will ask you some security questions, which intend to corroborate that you are the owner, and this will activate your card. 


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