Motivation – The need for motivation in a child’s learning
The basic source of everything we do in life is motivation. Man can be established in life through proper satisfaction of motivation. The importance of motivation in education is also immense. If the student has interest or high motivation in school lessons, his results in school are good. Again many students fail to get good results in school due to lack of motivation or interest towards learning. In this case, the teacher can inspire the students by adopting different strategies.
Strategies for Motivation
1. According to the behavioral aspect of motivation, the main determinant of the motivated behavior of the child or student is the external reward or punishment.
It is possible to create learning motivation among the students through rewards.
It is possible to create motivation in the student through the use of different types of positive and negative tonic stimulants.
However, recognition, praise and encouragement are more effective in creating motivation than condemnation, ridicule, intimidation and punishment.
The use of these techniques in the classroom makes students receptive or encouraging to what they are reading, leads them to the right behavior and prevents them from engaging in unwanted behavior.
2. The experience of success is conducive to the creation of motivation.
On the contrary, feelings of inadequacy can cause a person to feel inferior and inactive.
That is why creating opportunities to experience success and teaching to avoid failure plays a helpful role in creating motivation.
Because rewards and praise for any achievement or achievement motivates a person to do good deeds.
3. The humanistic perspective of motivation is deeply related to Abraham Maslow’s (1954, 1961) demand theory.
That is to say, before satisfying the higher needs, the specific basic needs of the person have to be stopped or satisfied.
In this case, the teacher can emphasize the development of different types of personal skills in the student, such as being sensitive to others or showing empathy.
4. According to the cognitive aspect of motivation, the thinking power of the student manages his motivation or need.
The teacher can create motivation among the students by developing the inner motivation for the students to achieve something.
i.e. their personal qualities and they can successfully control their environment.
According to the behavioral point of view of motivation, the result of external persuasion or reward is the desire of the student.
Cognitive perspectives, on the other hand, suggest that external pressure should be discouraged in order to achieve something. Alternativley, cognitive views can be enhanced by providing natural compounds to your kids. You can start by growing your own supply of those compounds at home. Click here to learn more.
Rather, students should be given the opportunity to be kind and responsible, so that they can control their own achievement goals.
5. According to the social aspect of motivation, the need for a relationship is to build a relationship with others in a friendly or secure way.
Positive attitudes and values ​​towards the school are created in the students who get the opportunity of caring and respectful interpersonal relationships.
The learning achievement of these students in the above schools is also good.
That is why teachers should create opportunities for creating friendly relations between students. Teachers will sometimes encourage students to learn the subject with more effort if they give ideas and advice about the progress of the work. If the teacher informs the students about the progress of learning in any subject. Such as mathematics or English, then the students are motivated to learn the subject with interest. Good results in any endeavor create a sense of confidence, dignity and security in the person which acts as a motivation to do better in the future.
Many believe that punishment is a powerful motivator. Usually used as punishment for criticism, reprimand, expulsion, corporal punishment etc. Since punishment has a detrimental effect on the personality of the student, it is advisable to avoid the field of motivation. Depriving the student of his favorite subject, such as not allowing him to play while playing or giving him extra work at the end of the class.
In the end, the main source of all our energy is motivation. Motivation leads us to specific goals. Motivation is also very important in education. Teachers ‘knowledge of motivation helps to solve problems related to students’ needs.
The underlying motivation
The underlying source of motivation lies in a specific task or activity – such as having fun solving a puzzle or a passion for playing. Psychologists involved in social and educational work have been researching this type of motivation since the early 1970s.
Research has proven that motivation is commonly associated with high-quality results and satisfaction in students.
Fritz Heider explained the underlying motivation with the help of his attribution theory.
Bandura also discusses this in his Theory of Self-Ability, as well as Ryan and Daisy’s Cognitive Assessment Theory.
Students gain inherent motivation if they:
Blame the underlying factor as the cause of the test result. Such as how much effort they put into studying),
Believes that they are the means to an end. Do not rely on memorization, want to know better about a subject for better results. See also the underlying motivations and theories of 16 primary desires given below.
Extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of what is working. The greatest example of extroverted motivation is money, but other examples include physical exertion or punishment.
Athletes are encouraged by the spectators during the game, which inspires them to do well.
Rewards are also an urgent need.
Competition is also generally regarded as an example of outward motivation, as it motivates one to win and lose, rather than to be satisfied with the underlying elements of the performance.
Social psychological studies have shown that extrinsic motivation is exaggerated by extrinsic rewards, resulting in a decrease in intrinsic motivation.
Extroverted producers often cause a decrease in motivation.
A famous experiment by Green and Lepper showed that children,
Who were rewarded for drawing with a felt-tip pen were no longer encouraged to play with the pen.
Self-control of motivation is understood as a subtype of emotional intelligence.
A person may be highly intelligent (according to the test of intelligence measurement).
But he may not be motivated to do that, which means he does not have enough motivation.
Victor Vrum, a professor at the Yale School of Management, has detailed in his “theory of expectation” when people decide to use self-control to reach a specific goal.
Enthusiasm or desire is defined as a lack of energy that adds energy to the use needed to move toward a specific goal or producer.
This type of behavior is inherent in humans and does not require external stimuli to encourage it.
The reason for the initial urge may be the lack of something like hunger which motivates people to look for food.
Again the subtle desire is the desire to gain praise or approval later which motivates a person to get along well with other people.
In contrast, the role of extrinsic rewards and stimuli is seen in the example of animal training, in which animals are rewarded if they can perform properly.
This reward motivates them to do magic again and again, even if it takes them away from that method of action, they do the same thing over and over again.
Motivation theory
The theory behind motivation
A reward, whether visible or invisible, is given for the repetition of an action (such as use).
This happens by connecting the use with positive meaning.
Research shows that if a person wins an instant reward, the impact is greater, and that impact diminishes over time.
Work becomes a habit when the work-reward combination is repeated.
Motivation comes from two sources: from one’s own and from others, these two sources are the underlying motivation and the external motivation.
Applying motivation strategies is much more difficult than it seems.
Steven Kerr noted that it is easier to reward A when creating a reward system, at the same time hoping for B, but thus creating a detrimental effect that detracts from the goal [6].
Since the purpose of enforcing something is to add something extra to the environment.
To moderately increase the rate of coveted behavior, an enforcer is different than a reward.
Enthusiasm-reduction theory Enthusiasm
There are several motivational theories.
This energy-reduction theory is based on an idea that is based on some of our biological energy, such as hunger.
Over time, if this effort is not satisfied, it becomes stronger (in this case, by eating).
Satisfaction reduces the energy of this effort.
This theory has evolved from Freud’s theory to reaction control systems (such as thermostats).
Enthusiasm theory has some intuition or folklore. Enthusiasm during cooking, for example, becomes one with the feeling of repetitive appetite.
As the appetite for that subject decreases after cooking and after eating, there are still a number of problems with the perfection of reducing the urge to debate.
The first problem is how the second tier enforcers reduce their enthusiasm.
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