The Usefulness of SPCXL in the Medical Setting

The SPCXL method was designed by Dr. Richard F. Spiro, an internationally recognized chiropractic physician. It is designed to measure the pressure exerted on the spinal nerve by spinal compression and shows the results in percentage values.

For example, if a patient were to apply SPCXL to one of his or her hands, the results would show a “minor decrease in grip force (range)”. The patient then could conclude that the reduction in grip force was causing damage to the hand. Dr. Spiro has used this testing to compare various treatments on patients with different types of musculoskeletal problems.


2 Methods to Perform the Study

The study was under performance using two different methods. One method involved a control chart that had no data on hand pressure measurements. The second method was a test that involved SPCXL applied to the patient’s hands before, during, and after a particular treatment session. The test subjects had to indicate whether they felt a tightening or loosening sensation when they were given a hand and arm movement task. Dr. Spiro then conducted a comparison of the results from the control chart to those from the SPCXL test. He found that SPCXL had a statistically significant effect on pain levels and reduced the pain response when compared to the results from the no-control chart.

Patients’ Experiences with SPCXL

When Dr. Spiro presented his data at a recent American Chiropractic Association annual meeting, he had many patients tell him about their experiences with SPCXL. Almost half of the people he examined reported that the tool was extremely effective in reducing pain. The best part-to-part variation was seen in the results for patients who were instructed to use SPCXL to correct vertebral subluxation. In these patients, SPCXL improved symptoms so well that they never had to be given any medicine again. Other parts of the body showed less-than-satisfactory results, and in a small number of cases, the physicians did not recommend SPCXL to correct any problem.

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Why Did the Method Have A High Level of Success?

The reason that the method had such a high level of success is that Dr. Spiro was able to control all of the variables of the testing procedure. When the patients took their SPCXL home, their actual measurement was the only thing that was measured. This means that there is no chance for other parts of the body to have had a change in how they respond. In fact, if there was a measurable variable, it would have been impossible for Dr. Spiro to control for any potential error and therefore cancel out the part-to-part variation in his data. This type of repeatability is important because the effectiveness of any pain management system depends on a systematic review of how performing treatments.

This leads Dr. Spiro to conclude that SPCXL is most effective when used with traditional methods of evaluating pain, but is as efficient and accurate when used with an endoscope. He further explained that the repeated measurements provided by the endoscope allow him to get more information than he would have from using traditional measurements systems. This finding is consistent with the data analysis results that we mentioned previously, where the results were consistent with regard to both treatment type and patient characteristics.

The Repeatability in the Results of A Test or Procedure

It is important for physicians to realize that there will be a certain amount of repeatability in the results of a test or procedure. The repeatability of a test depends on the characteristics of the object under observation and the physician’s ability to control variables that affect that object. The more variables a physician is capable of controlling, the more likely it is that he will be able to come up with a reliable system of evaluating the object under study. The more variables a physician can control, the more likely it is that he will be able to provide effective resolution to the symptoms of a patient.

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Therefore, in spite of the extremely high level of repeatability associated with SPCXL, any physician who is evaluating a patient using this technology should still have several different sets of control charts in his files in order to make sure that he has a good measure of how effective the treatment presented to patients is.

SPCXL Provides A Very High Level of Repeatability

As previously stated, SPCXL provides a very high level of repeatability. In the case of numerical data analysis, it may well be necessary to run multiple analyses based on the same numerical data, but the repeatability of the data results in the calculation of the effect of variability on the variable being studied. For example, if a patient only went to the doctor one time because of a severe headache, the doctor will want to collect enough data points to calculate the effect of that headache on the level of pain experienced every time that the patient goes to the doctor. Since the severity of the headache varies, the doctor will need to collect more data points in order to calculate the variance between the two values associated with the pain level. Therefore increasing the statistical power of the statistical test that is under conduction.

Serious Implications for the Validity of the Collected Data

The repeatability of the results from a laboratory test can have serious implications for the validity of the data collected. For example, if a study collects data points from three different measurements, then two of the measurements will have the potential to vary significantly from each other. Even the slightest amount of change can introduce a great amount of deviation from the average value, thereby invalidating the entire data set. SPCXL guarantee that all measurements are highly repeatable and therefore provide a high level of statistical reliability.

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SPC XL – SigmaZone

” I have studied and applied several leading statistical software applications over the last 9 years and have instructed statistics to hundreds of Black Belts. I always launch SPC XL first. It is the easiest statistical software to use, and has met 99 percent of my statistical needs. If ‘lean’ is about delivering the greatest customer value per dollar, SPC XL wins.”


SigmaZone: Homepage

This is the homepage of SPCXL – Sigmazone. You can see many Software Products:

Quantum XL: Statistical Tools, Design of Experiments (DOE), and Monte Carlo Simulation in Microsoft Excel.

SPC XL: Statistical Tools in Microsoft Excel.

DOE PRO XL: Design of Experiments (DOE) in Microsoft Excel.

SnapSheets XL: Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Pugh, and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in Microsoft Excel.

SimWare Pro: Statistical simulations in Windows design to help you practice your skills.

Pro-Test: Generate efficient test cases using combinatorial testing (covering arrays).


SPC XL Software for Microsoft Excel

SPC XL is a Microsoft Excel add-in that adds powerful yet easy-to-use statistical analysis features. From within Excel you will be able to access many statistical tools including Control Charts, Cpk analysis, Histograms, Pareto Diagrams, MSA, Regression, Hypothesis Testing, and much more. Whether your needs are for Six Sigma, DFSS, ISO 9000, or general use, SPC XL is the tool for statistical analysis in Excel.


SPC XL – Six Sigma Products Group

Once you purchase this product, you will be provided with a link, login credentials, and license key(s) within one business day of your purchase to download.

Creates control charts, diagrams (histograms, Pareto, box plots, etc.), MSA, t-Test, F-Test, etc., from within Excel. Upon installation, SPC XL 20 integrates into Excel and appears as a menu item on the Excel toolbar. The charts and statistics produced in the standard Excel workbooks can be shared with anyone who has Excel (even if they don’t own SPC XL). Control charts may be updated without recreating the chart.


SPC XL 1 – Intro to SPC XL

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