What Is Rank Tracking, and How SEO Company Helps In Tracking It

What Is Rank Tracking?

An SEO company supports rank tracking to check whether the innovative, attractive, and engaging content prepared to enhance brand awareness is good enough to add to traffic to their website or not. It is important to understand whether changes in the content, keywords used, and website performance is strong enough. An SEO company can help you implement the required software and tools to analyze web-content performance and create robust SEO practices, including an SEO rank tracker.

SEO Rank Tracker is a powerful tool that can enhance your SEO marketing efforts and strategies. Rank Tracking is tracking the ranking position of a website’s search engine for a selected set of search queries and keywords and analyzing its organic position of keywords over time.

Rank Tracking helps in analyzing the strength of your website and helps in identifying important metrics, for example, optimizing mobile SEO which has now become incredibly important. Currently, there are more searches on websites by mobile users than desktop users. 52.2% of all website traffic worldwide comes from mobile phones. This is an important parameter to work on using Rank Tracking.

These keywords include the ones that have been used on your website and used by competitors and other search criteria which you may have not optimized for. Rank tracking analyses website progress keeps a stringent check on the organic traffic and relies on current ranking and historical data.

Why Is Rank Tracking Important?

Approximately, 3.5 billion people conduct various searches on Google each day. Tracking keyword ranking is important to estimate the performance of your webpage for several reasons:

1. If you have changed your keyword strategy and it has dramatically enhanced your ranking, then it is a powerful indicator of the right technique that you are using. Rank tracking is the right tool to analyze how effective your keyword strategy is.

2. Tracking your keywords strategy also helps you to identify the techniques used by your competitors. You can scrutinize the high-intention keywords used by them and incorporate relevant changes to your campaign.

3. You can analyze changes in traffic problems, identify black hat SEO techniques if used, and act immediately if there is a sudden hit by a negative SEO attack.

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4. Traffic Drop on your website could result from several reasons like low CTR, Google algorithm updates and fluctuations, etc. Rank tracking helps you analyze the drop in traffic and an SEO company helps you solve the problem.

5. You can identify manual penalties implied by Google

6. You can find poorly performing content on your site, and make the right effort to improve it and modify your target keywords

7. Rank tracking helps you identify the content or webpage that attracts the highest conversion rates, and find new keyword opportunities to maximize conversions and sales.

8. It can help you understand the strategies that SEO can adopt to increase both ranking and organic traffic.

9. Rank tracking can help you identify the factors that contribute to making a competitor’s marketing campaign successful.

10. You can tap innovative SEO-related opportunities by using content gap analysis

11. It helps you in SERP Functional tracking and can reveal many ranking opportunities.

12. Your Ranking Data can be effectively presented to your clients and other digital marketing agencies. You can then correlate this data with your sales to figure out how SEO is driving sales or lead conversions.

keyword research for rank tracking
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When Should You Use An SEO Rank Tracker?

Rank Tracking is a great tool to measure your website changes and helps you to create better content creation decisions. You must use a tracking tool to:

  • Launch a new marketing campaign
  • Strategize and implement ways to improve customer reach
  • Change the look, design, structure, and content of your website
  • Analyze newly added content for future content creation.
  • Identify the keywords you want to target and the keywords that are relevant to your productivity articles so that you can target them more effectively.
  • Use successful keywords in a blog, article, title, headlines, description, or any other content on the webpage.
  • Make your content more enterprising and enticing for your audience

How To Use SEO Rank Tracker

An SEO company helps you incorporate the appropriate rank tracking software to launch a strong SEO marketing campaign. Below are some steps on how to use SEO Rank Tracker:

Step 1 – Identify keywords

Depending on the size and intent of your business, you can use relevant keywords and incorporate them on your web pages. Rank tracking is an effective tool used to identify the top keywords that affect the overall traffic of your business. Your keywords can

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•        Focus on spreading awareness about your products or services 

•        Refer to your brand, business, or company name

•        Generate high-traffic as they are high-performing keywords

•        It is imperative to get an overview of the keywords that you use and their position to estimate the success and ranking of your website.

Step 2 – Select an effective rank tracking tool

To understand the use of keywords, and to supervise the performance of your website, several rank tracking software and tools can be used. However, you must pick the one that complements your business and has attributes that are suitable for your website to create quality content. Look for features like:

•        Your rank tracking tool should allow you to investigate the historical data to estimate the performance of previously used keywords

•        It can help you derive the results of your content and the exact keyword position.

•        It will show how your keywords affect organic traffic and search volume. It also reveals how many times people have used a specific keyword to search in the given period.

rank tracking tool
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Step 3 – Add keywords to the software

Upload keywords to your selected rank tracker to monitor the performance of your website. The software will then analyze search engine results and generate performance information leading to preliminary insights into the current performance of your website.

Step 4 – Analyze performance

Based on the information revealed by the tracker on your website’s content generation and organic traffic, you can analyze the performance of SEO campaigns, keyword success, content quality, traffic ratio, conversions, and website performance. It can help you investigate areas and aspects of your website.

Step 5 – Make adjustments

Once you’ve identified the areas of improvement using your rank tracker, you can further assess your website ranking and the quality of your content. You have the results of how your content affects traffic, so it becomes more helpful to make the necessary modifications to your webpage and content to improve your SEO campaign. You can now develop more powerful content and improve overall traffic and ranking. Constantly analyze your website’s performance, and if there is any change in the keyword ranking, your can immediately adjust your webpage according to the needs

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How SEO Companies Help Rank Tracking

Rank Tracking
  1. Current rank and past rank

A good Rank Tracking Software helps you compare the past and current rankings to understand market trends, fluctuations in customer preferences, competitor analysis, and effective SEO strategies

  1. Track overall progress

This is a constant process that helps in identifying keywords that were once highly effective and are now no longer useful. A tracking tool can help you identify trending keywords and assist you in monitoring the traffic on your website.

  1. API with multiple drag options

APIs, also known as advanced programming interfaces, is a way to collect raw data without using a regular website interface. API output is completely dependent on how the inputs are configured, so you need an API that can capture data in both high and low particle sizes for a variety of purposes, provide the flexibility you need, and fully track SEO.

  1. User Experience

An effective rank tracker is easy to navigate, provides information from custom dashboards, and shares information efficiently. With the ease of this hassle-free process, you can spend more time monitoring and optimizing your SEO needs.

  1. Weighted average

All keywords work differently online, and rank trackers can help you with weighting each keyword based on search volume to give you a complete picture of how they can be better implemented while tracking performance.

  1. Advanced dashboards and reports

Find a ranking tracker that can display information, display custom metrics, and send email alerts for the metrics you are tracking. Also, make sure you can generate weekly/ monthly reports on your platform and provide white-label reports.

  1. Traffic estimation and forecasting

A proficient rank tracker will provide a calculation of the expected traffic for each keyword in your domain. This helps you to estimate your website’s traffic, improve your website rank, and optimize content using specific keywords. With good rank tracking tools, you can ensure that relevant people searching for the top keywords can find your website.


Rank tracking is relatively easy and is a great tool to identify how you and your competitors rank for specific keywords. This helps you to focus on creating, updating, and maintaining your SEO strategy. It has now become an integral part of the analysis process which helps to attract new customers and gives you a deeper understanding of the SEO process. With an effective rank tracker, it becomes easier for you to integrate, group, and subgroup keywords. This eventually enhances your page ranking and leads to a successful SEO strategy.