12 Best Ways to Use Infographics in Your Content Marketing

Content marketing is about creating and sharing valuable content that attracts, engages, and converts your target audience into customers or clients. And while you can create many different types of content, infographics are often one of the most effective.

An infographic is highly visual and easily digestible, making them perfect for social media sharing and including in blog posts or other articles. They can also help improve your SEO by increasing your click-through rates and generating backlinks to your website.

If you’re looking to use info graphics in your content marketing, here are 12 of the best ways to do so:

1. Create an Infographic on a Current News Topic or Trend

Creating infographics about the latest news or trend is a great way to capitalize on timely content your audience is already interested in. For example, if a new study or report has been released on a topic relevant to your industry, you could create an infographic summarizing the key findings. Creating timely content like this can help you position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

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Photo by Venngage

Photo by Venngage

2. Transform an Existing Blog Post into an Infographic

If you have a popular blog post performing well, consider turning it into an infographic. This can help give it new life and reach a larger audience. When creating the infographic, include a link to the original blog post so people can learn more. The best infographics are those that stand on their own but also complement other content.

3. Share Data or Statistics from your Own Company

Do you have any data or statistics from your own business that would be interesting or valuable to your audience? If so, consider sharing this information in an infographic. Not only will this help improve your credibility, but it can also lead to more customers or clients if your data is persuasive.

4. Create an Infographic Resume

If you’re looking for a new job or trying to attract attention from potential employers, an info graphic resume can be a great way to stand out. This is especially true in creative industries where traditional resumes may not be as appreciated. When creating your infographic resume, focus on highlighting your skills and accomplishments rather than just listing your work experience.

5. Develop an Infographic to Explain a Complex Topic

If you have a complex product or service, an infographic can be a great way to simplify things for your audience. By breaking down the information into bite-sized chunks and adding visual elements, you can make it much easier for people to understand. This can help increase leads and sales by making it less intimidating for potential customers to learn about what you have to offer.

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6. Create an Illustrated how-to Guide

How-to guides are always popular content, but they can sometimes be challenging to follow if they’re just text-based. An illustrated how-to guide in the form of an infographic can be much easier to understand and could even go viral if it’s particularly helpful or creative.

7. Summarize the Results of a Survey or Study

If you’ve conducted a survey or study, an infographic can be a great way to share the results with your audience. This is especially true if the data is interesting or surprising. Be sure to include a link to the complete survey or study so people can dive deeper if interested.

8. Make an Infographic to Promote an Event

Are you hosting or sponsoring an event? An infographic can be a great way to spread the word and get people excited about attending. Be sure to include all the essential details people need to know, such as when and where it’s taking place, what they can expect, and how to get tickets.

Photo by Venngage 2

Photo by Venngage

9. Highlight the Key Takeaways from a Book or Article

An infographic can help you share the most critical points with your audience if you’ve recently read an interesting book or article. This is a great way to generate leads or customers by recommending quality content relevant to their needs.

10. Create an Infographic Portfolio

If you’re a freelancer, designer, or artist, an infographic portfolio can be a great way to showcase your work and attract new clients. When creating your portfolio, include examples of your best and most famous work. You might also include a section on your process or what others have said about your work.

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11. Develop an Interactive Infographic

If you want to engage your audience, consider creating an interactive infographic. This type of infographic allows people to input their data or choose from different options to see custom results. This can be a great way to increase leads and conversions by giving people a personalized experience.

12. Create an Infographic Template

If you’re feeling particularly creative, you could create an infographic template that others can use. This is a great way to generate leads or customers if you sell design services. Alternatively, you could make the template available for free and include a link back to your website or blog.

There are many ways to use an infographic for marketing your business. Once you have your infographic, promote it on your website and social media channels. You might even want to create a dedicated landing page to increase leads and conversions. With a little effort, you can use an infographic to take your marketing to the next level! If you’re still looking for an amazing infographic creator with plenty of infographic examples to choose from, as well as other functions you can use, such as a poster maker and more, sign up today at Venngage!