The Tech That Is Going To Change Gaming Forever

Human society has always had games to play, and as society develops, so too do the games that we play. From simple board games to multiplayer online computer gaming that pervades all aspects of our lives, the nature of the game is still undergoing huge changes. This article examines the tech that has now forever …


5 Interesting Things About An Xbode Character In World Of Warcraft

Xbode is a form of character in video games that is available for the World Of Warcraft player account. Xbox warriors utilize swords and axes to hunt down their enemies while destroying their adversaries. This Xbox One has over 500 new features including improved graphics, 500GB of memory, AI that is advanced, and a Blu-ray drive. These are …

Pacman game

Pacman 30th Anniversary: Why This Game Is So Hot

The 30th anniversary of Pacman is rapidly close to. Pacman 30th anniversary is fast approaching, and the anticipation for the game is increasing. The iconic and immensely well-known Pac-Man game was released in Japan on the 21st of May 1980. By October, it was made available in the United States. The bright yellow, pie-shaped Pac-Man persona, that …