What Is A Meme?

What Meme Is Currently Dominating the Internet and Our Culture at Large?

Many people will answer “meme” with a “tag” or an “ick.” In actuality, it is just a compilation of popular content that can cross boundaries from simple internet funny stuff to major internet trends. For example, the phrase “She knows what’s coming” is a classic example of what a meme is.

burning house girl meme
Burning house meme

Why Is It the Latest and Greatest Internet Term?

The reason is that it’s simply so pervasive that it is nearly a keyword in itself. If you type in any major search engine the first thing you will see are lists of popular internet trends. Every single day thousands of new and interesting social media icons and “meme molds” emerge. Anything and everything can be a “meme,” and this makes them incredibly valuable tools for brand and product marketing.

The Benefits of Meme

Now, I don’t want to get too deep into marketing, but it is important to realize how beneficial this is. Branding can be difficult in a world where most people ignore it. People won’t always look or think about your logo, slogan, or tagline if it doesn’t match what they are already thinking about. However, by tapping into the power of what threads, quotes, and slang your company can use to make yourself or your products stand out you will find a huge surge in brand and product awareness.

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Represent for a brand

It has become such a buzzword that the terms “meme” and “marketing” have been lumped together. A quick search of Google for these two terms will turn up millions of results. This represents an enormous advantage for businesses trying to capitalize on it is. Branding, while an integral part of SEO, can also be boiled down to a series of images, videos, songs, and other types of content that can be used as an unofficial timeline in which a company, organization, or brand can be showcased.

Easily related to the brand

There are many ways to leverage the power of what frames and speech through Meme. One way is to add text to a picture or video, thereby turning it into a deep-fried metaphor, or, in some cases, an officially licensed logo. This makes it much easier for consumers to relate to the brand and to understand what they are seeing. For example, if a brand is advertising their fried chicken product through a tweet accompanied by a picture of deep-fried kabobs, consumers will readily connect the fried chicken to the company, since the fried chicken has become associated with the company, despite not having been deep-fried. This type of association building is a powerful method of marketing and advertising.

Some Ways to Take Advantage of Meme

Memo coins

You can take advantage of a Meme by investing in a collection of specialty coins such as “memo coins.” These collectible coins are created by artists that have created a series of unique images representing a popular subject, idea, or theme that resonates with the user and the community at large. We can purchase memo coins from specialty shops online, in specialty boutiques, and at many different retailers.

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The power of what we said through a Meme is often leveraged even further by using what is known as “flamebait,” which is a collection of images and materials that appeal to the user and draw them in. Using flamebait, a brand can leverage the popularity of a popular trend or symbol and market it to the user base. It’s not uncommon to see numerous versions of the same promotional item in different forms all posted on various websites. Users can build their collection, purchasing only the original images that they find interesting.

Advice for you

So, the next time that you’re wondering about what to create for your advertising efforts, consider a promotional message or image and how you can leverage it for marketing purposes. Even if you are not good at coming up with original slogans or images, there are plenty of them out there that already have that unique touch to them. There is no reason not to take advantage of this. You’ll be glad that you did.

Other Related Sources

other related sources
other related sources

Meme – Wikipedia

A meme (/miːm/ MEEM) is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads using imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic …

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme

Meme | Definition of Meme by Merriam-Webster

Meme definition is – an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from one person to another in a culture. See more meanings of it. How to use the meme in …

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/meme

What Is a Meme? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

While an outright definition of a meme is hard to nail down, associate the term with an image or video that portrays a particular …

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Source: https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/what-is-a-meme/


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