The Dark History Of SEO

The history of SEO is a dark and twisted tale. For years, black hat SEO practitioners have used underhanded tactics to game the system and rank their sites higher than they deserve. This has led to a constant arms race, as Google and other search engines have fought to keep ahead of the curve.

Fortunately, there is light at the end of the tunnel. In recent years, Google has cracked down on many of the most common black hat techniques. And as more and more businesses adopt white hat SEO practices, the playing field is slowly leveling out.

But first…

What Is SEO & How Did It Come To Be?


SEO stands for “search engine optimisation.” It is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The earliest incarnation of SEO dates back to the early days of the internet when site owners would stuff their pages with keywords in an attempt to rank higher in search results. This quickly became ineffective as search engines began to catch on.

In the mid-1990s, Google was founded with the mission of organising the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful. This meant building a better search engine than anyone had ever seen before.

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To achieve this, Google used a variety of techniques, including link analysis and PageRank. PageRank was a revolutionary way of ranking websites, and it quickly made Google the most popular search engine on the web.

As Google’s popularity grew, so did the practice of SEO. People realised that they could improve their website’s ranking in Google by using certain techniques. This led to the birth of the modern SEO industry.

The Early Days Of SEO & The Black Hat Techniques That Were Used


In the early days of SEO, black hat practitioners quickly learned that they could exploit Google’s algorithms for their own gain.

They would stuff their pages with keywords, build link farms, and engage in other underhanded tactics to boost their rankings. This made it hard for Google to provide its users with relevant and useful results.

In response, Google began to crack down on these practices. It updated its algorithms and started penalising sites that were using black hat techniques. This led to an arms race, as black hat SEOs tried to stay one step ahead of Google.

So What Are Some Of The Most Notorious Examples Of Black Hat SEO?

Let’s Take A Look At A Few Of The Most Famous (or Infamous) Cases:

Black Hat SEO

1. J.C. Penney

In 2011, J.C. Penney was caught red-handed using black hat SEO techniques to game the system. The company hired an SEO firm to build links to its site from low-quality sources. This resulted in J.C. Penney’s site being penalised by Google and dropped from the first page of search results.

2. BMW Germany

In 2006, BMW Germany was caught building link farms to improve its search rankings. Google penalised the company by removing it from the first page of search results for several months.

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In 2013, was caught engaging in a scheme to artificially inflate its Google search rankings. The company was paying people to link to its site from low-quality sources. As a result,’s search rankings were artificially inflated, and the company was fined by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

4. Rap Genius

In 2014, lyrics annotation website Rap Genius was caught gaming Google’s search algorithm. The site was using black hat techniques to inflate its search rankings. As a result, Rap Genius was penalised by Google and dropped from the first page of search results.

5. Expedia

In 2015, the travel booking website Expedia was caught paying bloggers to write articles that included links to Expedia’s site. This resulted in Expedia’s search rankings being artificially inflated. Expedia was fined by the US Federal Trade Commission for its actions.

These are just a few examples of companies caught using black hat SEO techniques. As you can see, these tactics can result in serious penalties from Google. So if you’re thinking about using them, think again!

Google’s Crackdown On Black Hat SEO & The Rise Of Penguin & Panda

google algorithm

As we mentioned earlier, Google’s crackdown on black hat SEO tactics led to an arms race between black hat practitioners and Google. This came to a head in 2011 with the release of the Penguin update.

Penguin was designed to target black hat link-building techniques. It had a major impact on the SEO industry, and many sites were penalised as a result.

In 2012, Google released the Panda update, which targeted low-quality content. This update also had a major impact on the SEO industry, as it led to many sites being de-indexed or down-ranked.

These updates made it clear that Google was serious about cracking down on black hat SEO techniques. As a result, many black hat practitioners have given up and gone away.

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However, there are still a few die-hard black hat SEOs out there. And they’re always looking for new ways to game the system. So the arms race between black hat SEOs and Google is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

The Future Of SEO & How To Stay Ahead Of The Curve

The SEO landscape is constantly changing. Google makes hundreds of algorithm changes every year, and new technologies are always emerging. So it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments if you want to succeed in the long term.

Here are a few predictions for the future of SEO:

1. Voice search will become more important

As voice-activated assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Home become more popular, voice search will become an increasingly important part of SEO. This is because people are using these devices to search for information in a natural way, using Everyday language instead of keywords.

2. Mobile-first indexing will become the norm

Google has already started to roll out mobile-first indexing, which means that it will index and rank websites based on their mobile versions instead of their desktop versions. This is because more and more people are using mobile devices to search the web.

3. Visual search will become more important

As visual search technologies like Google Lens become more popular, visual search will start to play a bigger role in SEO. This is because people will be able to use these tools to search for products and services by taking pictures of them.

4. Augmented reality will change the way we search

As augmented reality technology becomes more advanced, it will change the way we search for information. We’ll be able to point our phones at buildings or objects and get information about them. This will make it even easier for people to find the products and services they’re looking for.

5. SEO will become more complex

As SEO becomes more complex, businesses will need to invest more time and resources into it. “They’ll need to hire specialized SEO teams and agencies to help them achieve their goals”, believes one of the best SEO Agencies in Sydney.

SEO has come a long way since its early days. What started out as a simple way to get higher search engine rankings has become a complex and ever-evolving field. And it’s only going to become more complex in the future. So if you want to succeed in SEO, you need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments.