5 Best Voicemail App For Android In 2021 You Should Know

In this digital era, when everything is digital and so is the means of communication.

Letters telegraph postal cards are bygone age talks and replaced by the blazingly fast emails, messaging applications like walkie talkie app which can deliver your messages within seconds. The voicemail App is so popular these days. Among them, one amazing feature of that time was the voicemails. They never let anyone feel that they are neglected once their calls were missed.

If you don’t know about voicemails, then let’s have a short introduction to that.

A few years back, people have the feature of voicemails in the feature phones or landline in which if someone’s call was missed, then he would get a voice message on behalf of the person whom he is trying to contact. Those personalized voicemails ask them to wait or repeat the customize messages which were set in them.

And in present-day conditions, those voicemails are genuinely needed when almost because of our busy schedule, we don’t have time to contact the missed calls back or answer them. But voicemails are not available on smartphones. But if you also feel that voicemails are essential and you can’t miss them, then you don’t have to be sad.

Now when there are pretty good applications and software available for everything, the same is for voicemails. There are so many voicemail applications available out there that can better serve as you want. But if you don’t want to waste your time looking for the best voicemail app for android, then this article is only for you, which has the list of best voicemail app for android which are worth trying once. 

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5 Best Voicemail App For Android

5 Best Voicemail App For Android

In this section, we would be discussing the 5 best voicemail app for android which you should own if you don’t want to make your friends, family members neglected. All these applications are the best in their own features they offer.

1. Google Voice

The first best voicemail app for android is no other than Google Voice, which makes it authenticate just by having the name Google with it. Today Google in itself is considered as the second name of reliability, security, and privacy, when from mails to maps, search engines to payment services, we have so many applications by Google which all guarantee the security of the users.

With this application by Google, you can rest assured of your data security, privacy and get tons of features, where its foremost feature is that it is completely free and doesn’t charge a penny.

It offers an excellent user experience, with truly easy to set up settings, and they are backed up and stored so you can search them in the history too. It can be used from multiple devices, laptops, and phones, with complete details of voicemails and the feature of transcription, which are some other features to count in the list.

2. Voxist

Another best voicemail app for android on our list is this software which comes with personalizing voicemails for your clients and contacts.

It offers you customizable greetings for your contacts with their names, can transcribe voicemails, and send them to your mail or as text, with unlimited storage for voicemails.

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It comes in three price plans, while the first one is free, the second is Premium of $ 4.99/month, and the third one is Pro of $9.99/ month, having specific features according to their plans.

3. VoMail

Our next best voicemail app for android is this app which is completely free and offers you to create personalize video greetings for your contacts and clients. You have to give it permission to have access to your contacts, and the rest it can do on its own.

It also uses an end-to-end encrypted visual voicemail service, which takes an edge over in terms of privacy and security. It is transparent, too, when we talk about furnishing EULA compliance.

4. InstaVoice

Another voicemail app in the list is this application which is for the people who have lots of contacts to manage, and with this, they can manage them with a single click only. With this app, you can send or forward all your voicemails to one location. You can also answer them rapidly with a call or text button directly.

In this app, you can also discard the unnecessary voicemails which you don’t want to answer, accompanied by the feature of transcription.

And on above all, it has a great customer support system which is always available to help you with your queries and grievances.

5. HulloMail Smart Voicemail

Last but not least, we have this best voicemail app for android, which is very attractive to use and worth considering once for its features.

It has all the features which other voicemail applications offer, like personalize voicemails, transcription, but what makes it different is the feature of searching by which you can search any voicemail by just typing its few letters. Amazing, right, which is why it is so loved by people.

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You can also sort out voicemails individually very easily and can send them to your mail too for future references and uses.


These are some of the best voicemail apps for android which you can use for a better experience. In a time when everyone is busy with their own stuff, doesn’t be a person who neglects other persons.

These voicemail applications give a personal touch to your contacts and client and make them feel that they are special for you.

This would not only make your bond stronger but also left a good impression on others. So don’t be shy in using new things that are once in existence and now come in new forms.